My Word

If you abide in my will know the truth
and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32

The words truth and freedom are rightly valued in our culture, as they should be for any human being. But there is a catch, well something much larger than just "a catch." When one hears the word truth, it is often accompanied by a pronoun: my. Or said differently, what is true for me, indicating that somehow truth is perceived to be subjective, or moderately subjective at best. The assumption is this: that the locus of truth, its source, is found in the individual. And this is perceived to be a good thing, for then I as an individual, am free. For how could I not be when I define truth?

The problem with this line of thinking–there are Legion–is it has exchanged the Truth for a lie. And anchoring yourself to a lie as the sole orientation of your life lands you in chains, enslaved to what is false. This, in turn, distorts your sense of self and purpose in the world.

Yet, as it is always the case with God, there is good news. There is a path to freedom that passes through the valley of truth and at its source: the Word who is Jesus. If you abide in my will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Though we do not have the same experience of Jesus as the disciples did, we still have his word. It is the blessing and gift of the Holy Scriptures that are the word of God. And it is abiding in that word that leads us to Jesus.

He is the way, the truth, the life. Abide in him by abiding in the word, that you might know truth, that it might shape your identity, that it might open your eyes to the glorious purpose of your life. Dwell not in the shadow of lies that lead to slavery; walk in the light of Christ.

Grace & Peace,

– Matthew+


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