A Worthwhile Fight

You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.
–Deuteronomy 3:22

Words spoken by Moses to the people of Israel as they prepared to receive their inheritance. The them of which Moses speaks are the nations. Comforting words spoken, for the outcome of the warring is known. And yet Israel was to–had to–pass through the warring. She must pick up sword and spear to wage war.

Though the defeat of Sin is secured through Christ, often we do not engage in a war against sin, or at least certain sins. It is not that we fear them. Yet have we come to appreciate them, enjoy their company? When this happens we follow Israel in being lulled to spiritual sleep. These are deadly waters. Dangerous waters. Not because of their turbulence, but because of their seemingly quiet. Yet underneath the surface lies all manner of reek that only Cormac McCarthy could describe.

If it is the Lord who fights for me, for you, for his people, then the victory is secured, though war is still on the horizon. Also, if the Lord fights, the one against whom he fights must also be our enemies. No good can come from befriending the enemies of God–Satan, Sin, Death,–as if we might be more compassionate or gracious than He.

Engage the fight; the Lord fights for you.

Grace & Peace,



The Limits of Love


Putting Words to Practice